We Sale & Ship To Idaho
The sale, possession and use of Stun Guns or Tasers for self defense are legal without major restrictions. However the misuse of any stun device during the commission of a crime or assault can result in criminal liability
With a little research I located this information as well.

Idaho Code § 18-3303. Exhibition or use of deadly weapon
Every person who, not in necessary self-defense, in the presence of two (2) or more persons, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, angry and threatening manner, or who, in any manner, unlawfully uses the same, in any fight or quarrel, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Idaho Code § 18-3302D. Possessing weapons or firearms on school property
(1)(a) It shall be unlawful and is a misdemeanor for any person to possess a firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon while on the property of a school or in those portions of any building, stadium or other structure on school grounds which, at the time of the violation, were being used for an activity sponsored by or through a school in this state or while riding school provided transportation.
(b) The provisions of this section regarding the possession of a firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon on school property shall also apply to students of schools while attending or participating in any school sponsored activity, program or event regardless of location.
(2) Definitions. As used in this section: (a) "Deadly or dangerous weapon" means any weapon as defined in 18 U.S.C. section 930 [§ 930. Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities;
(2) The term "dangerous weapon" means a weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 1/2 inches in length.];
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(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following persons:
(a) A peace officer;
(b) A person who lawfully possesses a firearm or deadly or dangerous weapon as an appropriate part of a program, an event, activity or other circumstance approved by the board of trustees or governing board;
(c) A person or persons complying with the provisions of section 19-202A, Idaho Code [§ 19-202A. Legal jeopardy in cases of self-defense and defense of other threatened parties. No person in this state shall be placed in legal jeopardy of any kind whatsoever for protecting himself or his family by reasonable means necessary, or when coming to the aid of another whom he reasonably believes to be in imminent danger of or the victim of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, murder or other heinous crime.];
(d) Any adult over eighteen (18) years of age and not enrolled in a public or private elementary or secondary school who has lawful possession of a firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon, secured and locked in his vehicle in an unobtrusive, non-threatening manner;
(e) A person who lawfully possesses a firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon in a private vehicle while delivering minor children, students or school employees to and from school or a school activity;
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18-3302C, Idaho Code, a person or an employee of the school or school district who is authorized to carry a firearm with the permission of the board of trustees of the school district or the governing board. (5) Penalties. Persons who are found guilty of violating the provisions of this section may be sentenced to a jail term of not more than one (1) year or fined an amount not in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or both.
Idaho Code § 18-3302I. Threatening violence on school grounds
(1)(a) Any person, including a student, who willfully threatens on school grounds by word or act to use a firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon to do violence to any other person on school grounds is guilty of a misdemeanor
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(2) Definitions. As used in this section:
(a) “Deadly or dangerous weapon” means a weapon, device, instrument, material or substance that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury;
(b) “Firearm” means any weapon, whether loaded or unloaded, from which a shot, projectile or other object may be discharged by force of combustion, explosive, gas and/or mechanical means, regardless of whether such weapon is operable;
Idaho Code § 18-3325. Prohibition--Possession--Use of conducted energy device-- Penalties
(1) It shall be a misdemeanor to possess a conducted energy device by:
(a) Any person found guilty of a felony who is not finally discharged from a sentence of imprisonment, probation or parole; or
(b) Any person who, having been found guilty of a felony, has not had his or her civil right to ship, transport, possess or receive a firearm restored.
(2) Use of a conducted energy device during the commission of a felony offense shall constitute a separate felony offense.
(3) Use of a conducted energy device during the commission of any of the following misdemeanor crimes of violence: sections 18-901, 18-903, 18-917 or 18-918, Idaho Code, shall result in double the penalties provided for in Idaho Code regarding those crimes.
(4) A sentence imposed for a violation of the provisions of this section shall be imposed separate from and consecutive to the sentence for any offense based on the act establishing the offense under this section.
(5) For purposes of this section, "conducted energy device" means any item that emits an electrical current, impulse, wave or beam, which current, impulse, wave or beam is designed to incapacitate, injure or kill.