We Sale & Ship To Louisiana
The sale, possession and use of Stun Guns or Tasers for self defense are legal without major restrictions. However the misuse of any stun device during the commission of a crime or assault can result in criminal liability
Other information worth reading over https://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=78739

La. Rev. Stat. § 14:2 Definitions
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(3) "Dangerous weapon" includes any gas, liquid or other substance or instrumentality, which, in the manner used, is calculated or likely to
produce death or great bodily harm.
La. Rev. Stat. § 14:27. Attempt; penalties; attempt on peace officer; enhanced penalties
A. Any person who, having a specific intent to commit a crime, does or omits an act for the purpose of and tending directly toward the
accomplishing of his object is guilty of an attempt to commit the offense intended; and it shall be immaterial whether, under the circumstances, he
would have actually accomplished his purpose.
B. (1) Mere preparation to commit a crime shall not be sufficient to constitute an attempt; but lying in wait with a dangerous weapon with the
intent to commit a crime, or searching for the intended victim with a dangerous weapon with the intent to commit a crime, shall be sufficient to
constitute an attempt to commit the offense intended.
La. Rev. Stat. § 14:34.6. Disarming of a peace officer
A. Disarming of a peace officer is committed when an offender, through use of force or threat of force, and without the consent of the peace
officer, takes possession of any law enforcement equipment from the person of a peace officer or from an area within the peace officer's
immediate control, when the offender has reasonable grounds to believe that the victim is a peace officer acting in the performance of his duty.
B. For purposes of this Section:
(1) “Law enforcement equipment” shall include any firearms, weapons, restraints, ballistics shields, forced entry tools, defense technology
equipment, self-defense batons, self-defense sprays, chemical weapons, or electro shock weapons issued to a peace officer and used in the
course and scope of his law enforcement duties.
La. Rev. Stat. § 14:37.3. Unlawful use of a laser on a police officer
A. Unlawful use of a laser on a police officer is the intentional projection of a laser on or at a police officer without consent of the officer when
the offender has reasonable grounds to believe the officer is a police officer acting in the performance of his duty and that the officer will be
injured, intimidated, or placed in fear of bodily harm.
B. For purposes of this Section the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) "Laser" means any device that projects a beam or point of light by means of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation or any
device that emits light which simulates the appearance of a laser.
La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95.2. Carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon by a student or non-student on school property, at school-sponsored
functions, or in a firearm-free zone
A. Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon as defined in R.S. 14:2, by a student or non-student on school property, at a school sponsored
function, or in a firearm-free zone is unlawful and shall be defined as possession of any firearm or dangerous weapon, on one's person, at any time
while on a school campus, on school transportation, or at any school sponsored function in a specific designated area including but not limited to
athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities, or within one thousand feet of any school campus.
La. Rev. Stat. § 14:336. Unlawful aiming of a laser at an aircraft
A. “Unlawful aiming of a laser at an aircraft” is the intentional projection of a laser on or at an aircraft or at the flight path of an aircraft in the
aircraft jurisdiction of the state of Louisiana.
B. For purposes of this Section, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Laser” means any device that projects a beam or point of light by means of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation or any
device that emits light which simulates the appearance of a laser.
La. Code Crim. Proc. art. 215.1. Temporary questioning of persons in public places; frisk and search for weapons
A. A law enforcement officer may stop a person in a public place whom he reasonably suspects is committing, has committed, or is about to
commit an offense and may demand of him his name, address, and an explanation of his actions.
B. When a law enforcement officer has stopped a person for questioning pursuant to this Article and reasonably suspects that he is in danger, he
may frisk the outer clothing of such person for a dangerous weapon. If the law enforcement officer reasonably suspects the person possesses a
dangerous weapon, he may search the person.
C. If the law enforcement officer finds a dangerous weapon, he may take and keep it until the completion of the questioning, at which time he
shall either return it, if lawfully possessed, or arrest such person.
La. Code Crim. Proc. art. 894.1. Sentencing guidelines; generally
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B. The following grounds, while not controlling the discretion of the court, shall be accorded weight in its determination of suspension of
sentence or probation:
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(10) The offender used a dangerous weapon in the commission of the offense.
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(19) The offender used a firearm or other dangerous weapon while committing or attempting to commit an offense which has, as an element,
the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the person or property of another, and which by its very nature, involves a
substantial risk that physical force may be used in the course of committing the offense.
(20) The offender used a firearm or other dangerous weapon while committing or attempting to commit a controlled dangerous substance offense.
*Various Louisiana cities and municipalities may have regulations regarding stun guns and TASER CEWs, including but not limited to: Amite
City, Baton Rouge, Caddo Parish, East Baton Rouge Parish, New Orleans, St. Landry Parish, and West Baton Rouge Parish. Please be sure to
check with the local government regarding their regulations.